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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

chocolate rain

so today it poured super hard for about an hour or two, and the road turned into a river that probably woulda done Mr. Wonka proud. but before we get to that, nolan got his hair cut today!!!! sooooo cute!! :)


so now we get to the river... so there is construction going on just down the street from us and every time it rains we get a chocolate river. a couple times people have complained that the mud ruins their grass which you can understand in a couple of the pictures youre about to see, so the workers put up a sort of fence, but it didnt do a whole lot... only keep out the chunks. but evidently there is still a big water problem on the corner of our street. enjoy :)

the storm drain BEFORE it got bad.... hah yea....

and now on to the neighbor's front lawn. see how you can no longer see the curb?? yea, the water is up onto their lawn about a foot and then some. i would be complaining too.

poor grass

why did the wet blonde girl cross the road??

chocolate raaaaaain

sorta looks like i'm at a beach or something and the tide is leaving

the water really isnt that deep, its just everywhere

well enough of that and back to the cuteness.... :)

he loves brushing his teeth. (well actually he likes sucking the water out of his toothbrush.... hah i did it too when i was little but i dont get why??)

raining outside. lets watch.

wait. the door just opened..

who's here!!!

daddy!!! :)

hah so those are the sequence of events that constitute my wednesday evening. claire's soccer game was cancelled because there was some lightning and it was waaay too wet for mommy to let her go anyways. hah i dont blame her.
well i hope you guys all had a great hump day!! :) laaaaater

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